
National Suicide Awareness Day

Tuesday September 10th, 2013

If you had told me 5 years ago that I would have to go through life without my Dad, I would have looked at you like you were crazy.  He was a vivacious man full of life.  He loved to explore the world and see new things.  He was my buddy, my pal, my protector, my everything.  On March 31 of 2011 he took his life.  He left me. I remember dropping the phone as my world shattered into a million little pieces.   

Today, however, is not a sad day, but a day of remembrance.  A day to celebrate his life, and the lives of those who were ready to go.  Since my dad passed, my community has lost several people to this tragic, gross thing. 

 I challenge each of you today to reach out to ONE person a day. (just one) Give a compliment to an old friend, leave a note in your neighbors mailbox, pray for someone who is hurting.  WE CAN STOP THIS. reach out. 

Today I wear yellow for my Daddy, my best friend Drew, the family of Lissa Pierce, and the host of people who knew William.  I will never forget.  I know the pain and I want you all to know that it does get better.    Let's start a movement and get people educated.  

"The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
Exodus 14:14


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